CY 2000 Ion Negatif Konjak Span (C005)

     Selling Price Yen 0.0000

    Member Price Yen 0.0000

    Yen 0.00 + CLV 0.00

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1500 in stock
CY 2000 Ion Negatif Konjak Span (C005) Is also called konjak face cleaning sponge or konjak skin cleaning sponge. It uses wild plant konjak as material, whose essence is extracted through special process. It cater to modern life tide of advocating

2 reviews for Ornare sed consequat

admin – March 23, 2018

Lorem et placerat vestibulum, metus nisi posuere nisl, in accumsan elit odio quis mi.

admin – March 23, 2018

Lorem et placerat vestibulum, metus nisi posuere nisl, in accumsan elit odio quis mi.

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